
Fuse writes detailed log messages through its lifecycle, which can assist with troubleshooting issues.

Log Levels

Fuse has the following log levels:

LEVEL Description
ERROR Fuse encountered a serious error which needs to be investigated
WARN Fuse encountered an unexpected situation which may indicate a problem
INFO Business-as-usual notifications, useful when diagnosing an issue with a website
DEBUG Low level diagnostic messages, generally only useful when troubleshooting Fuse itself

Checking for errors and warnings

By default, Fuse writes WARN and ERROR log messages to the console.

Fuse log messages begin with the prefix “FuseLogger”.

Enable Debugging logs

You can configure the amount of logging output from the Fuse App SDK, to assist with troubleshooting your Fuse App SDK integration.

Make sure to restrict this setting to your debug builds, so it doesn’t enable debugging logs in your released app.


    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {


    #if DEBUG