Zone Styling

There are two ways to zone styling:

Style 1

Directly applying style label to data-fuse div


<div data-fuse="xxx" style="max-height:xxpx; min-height:xxpx"></div>

Style 2

Applying id or class attributes and adding CSS properties to respective id or class.


  • Use id to add CSS properties

    <div data-fuse="xxxx" id="headerboard1"></div>

    And apply CSS to headerboard1 on CSS file as :

  • Use class to add CSS properties

    <div data-fuse="xxxx" class="headerboard1"></div>

    And apply CSS to headerboard1 on CSS file as :


Media queries can be leveraged on the CSS file to apply different styling to different breakpoints

/* Media query for screen widths less than 768px */
@media (max-width: 767px) {
  #headerboard1 {
    max-height: xxpx; /* Adjust the value as needed for smaller screens */
    min-height: xxpx; /* Adjust the value as needed for smaller screens */

/* Media query for screen widths greater than or equal to 768px */
@media (min-width: 768px) {
  #headerboard1 {
    max-height: xxpx; /* Adjust the value as needed for larger screens */
    min-height: xxpx; /* Adjust the value as needed for larger screens */

Tips: It is recommended that min-height is setup as per the max-height of the ad size requested on that ad unit.

  • This is to ensure that there is no layout shift when the ad loads or refreshes.
  • Please confirm with the onboarder if you are unsure what sizes are being mapped to the unit at certain breakpoints.